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Anafatasstic Shock

A brief sickness that overcomes a person who just went out to dinner with the family and completely ****ing pigged out, forgetting he or she was supposed to be on a diet. Characterized by sudden urge to do 500 songs on DDR or to swallow a bottle of laxatives, whining to girlfriends about "never eating again", and feeling incedibly a zaftig for the next few days.

Gloria: Oh my god, this steak is great! Can I try some of your lobster? That appetizer was excellent, and this beer is divine! Are you up for dessert? That ice cream pie has my name on it! Will you finish your fries?
Henrietta: Slow down, porky! Eat just a few more bites and you will go into anafatasstic shock.

by Gabri. Segal August 20, 2006

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