A pan-denominational Christian men's organization, the Promise Keepers frightened liberals during the 1990's by their public commitment to being better fathers and husbands and more sincere Christians.
You're not really going to let your husband and son go to that Promise Keepers rally, are you?
25π 55π
Not content to refer to those who disagree with them as the "Religious Right" or "Christian Right", some moonbats demonize their adversaries further by referring to them as the "Religious Reich".
As far as I can tell, Isaac Bonewits was the one who coined the term 'Religious Reich'.
34π 351π
Mythical post-9/11 disease carried by young girls. Replaces cooties.
"Bug off, Susie! I don't want your skankthrax!
29π 23π
The primary radio source of liberal propaganda in the United States.
Unlike its commercial imitator, Air America, National Peoplesrepublic Radio (NPR, alias "National Public Radio") knows there isn't enough demand for its services to make it commerically viable (the extreme left being a tiny minority in the United States). Therefore, it will continue to function on donations, government subsidies, and grants from large corporations. Many of these corporations are involved in industries which the audience detests, proving Lenin's point about capitalists selling the ropes which will be used in their hangings.
At least National Peoplesrepublic Radio has decent music programming, which is more than I can say for Air America. You also can bet on being within range of a National Peoplesrepublic Radio station, too.
69π 194π
In the United States, "McCarthyist" is what liberals call people who openly express anti-communist opinions.
I wrote a report on _The Black Book of Communism_, and my professor called me a McCarthyist.
72π 89π
From the word whore; how the word sounds when used by people who have trouble with the letter R at the end of a word (examples: sure, "sho"; more, "mo"; for, "fo").
"That girl is such a ho."
"If you're going to use sexist names, could you at least pronounce them correctly?"
49π 61π
The opposite of open-minded (DUH-uh!).
Many people are under the mistaken impression that the first person who says "You're just being closed-minded" in a debate is automatically the winner; frequently, the first person who says this has simply run out of facts.
Contrary to popular belief, it's also not always bad to be closed-minded, especially towards ideas which are easily demonstrated to be false or foolish.
I'm very open-minded about space exploration, but I'm very closed-minded about doing a space walk without a spacesuit.
95π 82π