willow is such a nice person and she makes everything perfect, shes rly nice not just towards me but to others to,
she's always there for you when you need her, she won't judge you when you tell her abt u or something you rl wanna tell, and her hair is nice she likes doing a lot of schools clubs like singing and so much more,willow is some1 u can go to when you need some1 to talk to and she's rly funny and makes you smile. and sp much more!! have a nice day..
willow she makes things perfect and she makes sure that her friends are good. and she's a really good friend not just to wards me but to others to, and her hair is very nice and there personality can be annoying but there always there for you no matter what the problem is they may be slow at working but in the end they get good marks and they wanna do everything perfectly and they rly like helping people out like me!
Willow is such a nice person!