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The filipino pronunciation of the word “fighting”

Mad filipino individual - I am pighting you!!!
A random kid - wtf are u saying

by GalaxyRoamerxx March 7, 2022


A stupid overused insult that every 5th grade kid in the world uses

Guy 1-Hey bro u gay!!
Guy 2-No bro u gay

by GalaxyRoamerxx March 7, 2022


A fatherless individual with a sexual attraction to animals. They can be 6-17 yrs old and all of them should be wiped off from the face of the earth.

- Oh who is that?
- a zoophile
-Oh, I hate those people
Ben: my name is Ben

by GalaxyRoamerxx March 7, 2022

10👍 12👎


A fatherless child who is -7. Has respect for literally no one in the world.

-Oh look, who is that?
-Bellathewolf. Indeed a fatherless child

by GalaxyRoamerxx March 7, 2022

44👍 2👎


A gay lightskin who plays fortnite 24/7 while watching (u know what)

-Oh look! A kid with a crooked mohawk, whats his name?
- Jai

by GalaxyRoamerxx March 7, 2022