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汉语词语,原指违背天意或天道 后引申出其他含义,尤其在网络评论中使用居多,表示形容一件事、一个人等超出正常范畴,极其荒谬,不可理解,既可以是愤怒时所使用之句首助词
Chinese words, originally refers to the violation of the will or the way of the heaven. Later, it has other meanings, especially in online comments, indicating that the description of a thing or a person is beyond the normal category, extremely absurd and incomprehensible. It also can be used as the first particle of a sentence when angry.


by Gaoz August 9, 2023


A Chinese Internet slang equivalent to "逆天",which means literally "make the sky upside down",it is simply used in describing a person or a thing which is extremely absurd and unacceptable,as if they have the power to reverse the sky.

Why you just licked her feet and barked like a dog?You are so sky-reversing!

by Gaoz August 7, 2023