A vile and unspeakable dump that renders the bathroom uninhabitable for a half hour or longer. The stench from the impact zone is not be limited to the bathroom. It may linger throughout the house and force retreat to safe, non-corrupted zones. The vileness scoffs at the opening of any mere window or scent spray. Total evacuation is the only solution.
Mom (coughing): "Don't go in the bathroom, Anthony! Your father dropped a real Sloppenheimer! I wouldn't be surprised if the paint on the walls started peeling!"
Dad: "I am become death. Destroyer of worlds."
32👍 22👎
The after effects of a potent dump that renders the bathroom uninhabitable for no less than a half hour. The reek is not limited to the bathroom. Its stench can leak out into the hallway and surrounding areas. Cracking a window, lighting a match, or using a scent spray will have no effect on the blast site. The only escape from the vileness is total evacuation from any area around the blast site.
Mom (coughing and gagging): "Anthony! Don't go in the bathroom! Your father dropped a Sloppenheimer in there! I wouldn't be surprised if the paint on the walls started peeling!"
Dad: "I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
8👍 14👎