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Odd looking bird of the genus Sqwuakus Crappus.
Has distinctive suede plumeage and a purple penis shaped remarkably like a mini hovercraft.
Despite the name it tends to mainly habitate gorse and privet bushes from where the Hedgecock will suddenly extend it's unfeasibly long beak and peck furiously at thin air while screeching the mating call of "Fantastic" "Marvellous".

"Good grief! A lesser spotted Hedgecock the first sighting around here since Uncle Wilf was but a whelp!"

by Garfunkel Trubshaw October 6, 2006

2👍 9👎


Odd looking bird of the genus Sqwaukus Crappus.
Has distinctive suede plumeage and a purple penis shaped remarkably like a mini hovercraft.
Tends to habitate privet and gorse bushes from where it's unfeasibly long beak will suddenly extend and furiously peck at thin air while screeching the mating call of "Marvellous" "Fantastic".

"Excellent a lesser spotted Hedgecock we've not seen one of those around here since my Uncle Wilf was but a whelp"

by Garfunkel Trubshaw October 6, 2006

1👍 7👎