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The awesomest ghettoest town in the US. The heart of North Carolina often referred to as "The Arm pit of NC," "The dirty," "The City of Murder and Medicine," "Bull City," and "D-town." It is the center of 2 documentaries (Welcome to Durham and Welcome 2 Durham) and a movie (Bull Durham). It is also mentioned more discreetly in a song ("919 Motha Fuckas!!!"). It is surrounded by rich people whom we aren't about (Treyburn, Croasdale, etc.) and Dook whom we HATE! Dook is everything opposite of Durham and is slowly taking over this hub of culture and awesomeness causing racial tensions to greaten along with unemployment and economic problems. Durham is awesome!!! Dook? Eh, not so much!!!

I was in Durham on Fayetville street when I realized, "Dook really doesn't do anything for this community - in fact, they've created their own little apartheid city."

by Garrett McPharson March 6, 2007

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