Skidd is an abbreviated singular version of Script Kiddie.
Skidd is reminiscent of a skid mark in your tighty whities, so shortening Script Kiddie to Skidd is a natural transition, since a Script Kiddie is nothing more than a shitty skid mark on the internet anyway.
But see Script Kiddie for a more indepth definition.
Damn Skidd thinks just because he can download a few scripts and run them that he's a freaking legendary hacker.
5👍 2👎
Skidds is an abbreviated plural version of Script Kiddie, or Script Kiddies.
Skidds is reminiscent of skid marks in your tighty whities, so shortening Script Kiddies to Skidds is a natural transition, since all Script Kiddies are nothing more than shitty skid marks on the internet anyway.
But see Script Kiddie and or Script Kiddies for a more indepth definition.
Damn Skidds think they rule the world, but can't even hack the bios on a 8086! Ask them to tell you what "Assembly Language" is and they'll probably say it's the language that assembly workers talk while working at the assembly line ;-)
4👍 3👎