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jimmy carter

The most evil American who ever lived. A spineless, appeasing, pious, preachy and catastrophically incompetent excuse for a human being whose inept micromanagement of the POTUS office wrecked the US economy, encouraged Soviet imperialism and almost single-handedly kick-started a resurgence of islamic imperialism that we are still dealing with almost three decades after he was booted out of office in a landslide. Not content with the incalculable damage he did as POTUS, this useful idiot of every form of totalitarianism went on to be the effective lapdog of islamic terrorists and communist tyrants, helping to finance the PLO, hugging Castro and revitalising the North Korean nuclear program. Of course he won a Nobel Peace Prize for all this, following in the footsteps of his beloved islamic terrorists.

Jimmy Carter was born too late to pursue his true vocation of burning witches in Salem (for their own good of course, much as it pained him to do it). Get thee behind me Jimmy Carter.

by Garth Vader October 1, 2006

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