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anal crater

A crater that forms in one's anus, usually from sticking foreign objects inside of it.

Can you believe the anal crater that Marty got from the bottle that Kirk inserted into him? It's got to be over 3 feet in diameter!

by Gary Coleman IV June 16, 2008

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top cock

1. The winner of cock mania.

2. The leader in a group of roosters.

1. After dominating cock mania, Miguel deserves the distinction of top cock.

2. You see the one with the gray feathers? Yeah, he's top cock.

by Gary Coleman IV June 17, 2008

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flaming assbang

One who has achieved the status of being an ultimate douchbag. This person does not know how to cuss, engage in physical combat, or know how to approach the opposite sex. A person who has been called this name should have their testicles removed surgically.

Man, Ryan seriously is a flaming assbang. I'm gonna remove his nuts while he sleeps.

by Gary Coleman IV June 17, 2008

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When you or a friend has, or is thinking about obtaining a job not even a Mexican would attempt to obtain even if he did get paid a good sum of money. If said fast enough, it may be mistaken for the word blowjobbery.

Man, Target is a great place for Below-Jobbery.

by Gary Coleman IV June 14, 2008


Getting rejected by the opposite and same sex simultaneously.

He is really suffering from hetero-rejection today.

by Gary Coleman IV June 14, 2008

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Stands for sweaty ball syndrome. It is where your balls are very sweaty, often resulting to them sticking to the side of your legs

It is so hot today, I think I am getting SBS.

by Gary Coleman IV July 21, 2008

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When a person is tired of being heterosexual and decides to turn gay, or the other way around.

Karissa may be suffering from gaydom. She started hitting on my sister yesterday and then she started to blow me.

by Gary Coleman IV June 17, 2008

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