A natal male who is sexually and romantically attracted to being female. This can present as transvestic fetishism, crossdreaming, or, in its most severe cases, autogynephilic gender dysphoria and autogynephilic male-to-female transsexualism.
There is no cure for AGP, as it is itself a male sexual orientation and therefore immutable. Gender transition, including hormone replacement therapy, social transition, and SRS is a common option for long-term treatment for AGP gender dysphoria.
Many autogynephiles live as male crossdressers (transvestites). Due to the repulsion of male characteristics and masculinity associated with AGP gender dysphoria, many identify as genderqueer or another form of non-binary, some boymode on HRT, and some transition fully from male to female.
Natalie Wynn Parrot is an example of an autogynephilic trans woman. She previously identified herself as a male crossdresser and later as genderqueer before coming out as a trans woman. She also reported that she was androphilic, although she later retracted this and came out as purely gynephilic. There is also reason to believe she is GAMP, meaning she is attracted to other trans women and to other GAMs.
There is nothing wrong with being an autogynephile or being an autogynephilic transsexual. It's important to erase the stigma associated with autogynephilia and autogynephilic transsexualism, due to shame and repression in adolescent autogynephiles, which correlates to the development of gender dysphoria.
I am an autogynephile and a transsexual woman. I like to have sex with men because they make me feel like a woman, although I'm not naturally attracted to them.
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