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Tender Loving Eye Fuck

A tender loving eye fuck occurs when two strangers share a moment so intimate that it would be incorrect to classify it as a standard eye fuck. Instead of merely lust, a tender loving eye fuck also involves a mutual respect and a strong emotional attraction between the two subjects.

"Dude trust me, that brunette and I had the most epic tender loving eye fuck when I passed her. I guarantee that we'll get together sometime in the next couple of years."

by Gatt Meiger November 16, 2011

21👍 4👎


A person who exhibits extreme stinginess or cheapness in everyday life. A person who hoards anything he can get his hands on, including an xbox controller or a bong.

"Mac, I can't believe you just took another rip. It was clearly my turn. You're such a jewbaggins."

by Gatt Meiger October 14, 2011

57👍 13👎