A game in which two or more people hang weights on their testicles (must be 10 kg or more) and jump vigorously. One by one, each person's ball sack will tear, and the last person with testicles wins.
"Yo guys you wanna play a game of Lithuanian Testicle Tug?"
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When you give someone a wedgie while they are wearing a G-string, and they start to defecate, the poop that comes out will be cut in two by the G-string.
"Hey bro is it okay if i give you a Siberian wedgie later?"
When a person ejaculates on a tray and spreads it out so it's nice and thin, then you put it in the freezer until it's completely frozen. After that, you scrape it off, and the frozen sperm should resemble a sheet of paper. Finally, you cut yourself with it.
"I just gave myself an Icelandic Papercut this other day"
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