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Homo erectus

The gayest name for primitive human being ever made. Seriously, homo erectus? Come on!

1) homo erectus is the gayest name ever
2)I know, who doesn't think it's gay?
3) Me!
2)(gunshot to 3)
1)(curb stomp to 3) fuck you!

by Gdbni November 8, 2011

20👍 10👎


Horny with corn. A wanna be homosexual.

Stop being so corny you fucker

by Gdbni November 8, 2011

41👍 62👎


A world ruled by scrotums. Basically it only happens when a bunch of men have a cluster fuck with each other. It would be in the contex of visiting. And for some reason you think this is real:

Fuck you

I visited Scrotopia with a bunch of men last night. And by that I mean they raped me.

by Gdbni November 8, 2011


Short for “gas the jews”

Kelly wanted to visit Germany, but she lost her passport so she couldn’t go.

Kelly: “God, I’m so mad I lost my passport—I could gazejews out of pure anger!”

by Gdbni June 5, 2022

Meat grinder

Shitting meat while a girl comes over to eat the shit. And then she shits meat and he eats it. This would often go on for a matter of hours before sexual intercourse would begin. Sometimes the women would through ice cream in her diet to show that her shit tastes good.

your girlfriend is a meat grinder, and I know.

by Gdbni November 8, 2011


a jew

your a jewski, right?

by Gdbni November 7, 2011

5👍 3👎

sitting glove

The act of placing ones penis under the ass of the person sotting

I gave your mom a sitting glove last night

by Gdbni November 8, 2011