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A College League where they make young athletes play for no money. The NCAA makes more money from ticket sales then the NFL, yet the NCAA is so selfish they keep the money for themselfs. Basicly what you have in the NCAA is a bunch of athletes risking their bodys for the sake of the game, and the higher-ups making billions of dollors dosn't give them a cent. So why would athletes even go through this? Because of a "college education". The NCAA says that they don't have to pay the athletes, as long as they get an education, but it DOSN'T justify it. I'd hate to be sitting in a classroom when I could be making 2 mil a year. However, it's almost required for you to go through that to get to the pros.

Whoever says that NCAA players play for the "game" or that they play with "passion" is completely wrong. NCAA players play to get to the NFL, and their to pissed about the fact they have to go through such a horrible system such as the NCAA, that they can't play wiht "passion". The NCAA is nothing but a farm-system to find the next best NFL, MLB, NBA player. It's like watching Minor League baseball game and saying "This is so much better than the MLB!" Minor League Baseball and the NCAA are just the same only
1: Minor Leaguers are paid
2: Minor Leaguers eventually do get to the MLB but the NCAA players usually don't get to the NFL. Therfour, Minor Leaguers are better at their sport than NCAA players
3: Minor Leaguers are usually around 25, therfour, they would be better at sports than a 21 year old

The NCAA is a dispicable money machine which is nothing more but a farm system for the next best Major League player

by Geeter August 23, 2006

190๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


An absolutely horrid "sport". The only strategy in this "sport" is setting formations and subbing substitutions. In football, you have to memorize hundereds of plays and formations. Like for instance, if your a WR and a QB says "42 red blue right" You must know EXACTLY where your going to be on the field, what rout to take, what player to block, etc. Absolutely no dumbasses are allowed in the big leagues, take Ryan Leaf for instance. This guy was a dumbass jock, and becuase of it, he turned out to be horrible in the NFL. You could be a dumbass jock in Soccer and you could still be succsesfull.

You are not required to have ANY upperbody strength in Soccer, and the only "injury" these soccer players have are sprained ankles, and you know how they got that? By being tripped! Boo fuckin' hoo, be a man.

The refferies are fucking sad. There calls are based on OPINION, what the hell is up with that? Like for instance in the world cup, one american guy got tripped by an italian, and the refs shows a red card, even though he TOUCHED THE BALL and IT WAS THE FORST FUCKING FOUL OF THE GAME. The refferies pull out these "cards" on impulse. Basicly, the only reason America did not get past the first round was becuase we lost that guy and we had to settle for a tie. In Football, if a referie calls someone out (because there are no fouls because football isn't for pussies) He ALWAYS checks with another Ref to see if he agrees. And even if they missed a call (Which they hardly do) the COACH (Not Manager) can tell the refferies if he thinks they did, and they ACTUALLY listen.

Another reason Soccer Sucks, is because of the point system. Do you know why Hockey got rid of these "ties"? Becuase having ties in a game are STUPID! So why dosn't soccer have overtime to decide the tie? Becuase soccer feels that it has to be so boring that it should have 0-0 ties. I mean, atleast when your going to football, baseball, basketball, or hockey game you KNOW there is going to be a score, it's guerenteed. And this goal-differential is also an embarrismant. Imagine if your goalkeeper was having a bad game and you lost 5-0. It would take over a month just to break even! Like when the US lost 3-0 in the World cup, but then played VERY well the next two games. We didn't get passed the first round, because of that 3-0 loss. The only way we could have gotton past is if we won a game 3-0. It wouldn't matter if we did win the next two games, because we would still need a goal differential of 0 to break even. What a messed up system!

And yes, after all that there is still something wrong with soccer: Everything else. The game itself lasts for only 90 minutes, a football game lasts for 210 minutes. The game of soccer contains passing the ball over and over and over and over again and some scoring. In Football, EVERY play is exciting, whether it be a passing play or running play. In soccer, the ONLY thing exciting are the goals, in football, EVERY aspect of it is exciting, whether it be a long pass, amazing catch, broken tackle, hard hit, interception, long run, sack, or even the time inbetween plays.

American Football "pwns" Soccer

by Geeter August 23, 2006

85๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thumbs Down

No matter how funny, clear, or nuetral a definition is, for some reason, it will always get atleast one thumbs down.

Computer Nerd: This definition is so funny and nuetral! I better give it a thumbs down

by Geeter August 17, 2006

850๐Ÿ‘ 593๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Football

A known fact about American Football is that it is Better than Soccer, Because in every country that has there own football code, football is considered better than soccer. Canada, Austraila, and America, all have both popular football and soccer leagues, but all of these countrys don't like soccer as much as there football codes. Therfour, it is a fact that if football was popular in the UK or in Asia as in the US, Canada, or Austraila, Football would be considered better than soccer.

Football > Soccer

Soccer: No Strategy other than setting formations and substitutions

American Football: Tons of Strategy. Players must memorize hunderedes of plays and formations, and must know how to execute them.

Soccer: Players must know how to run all over a field for 90 minutes long

American Football: Players must know how to run all over a field 4 hours long.

Soccer: Player must know how to kick a ball

American Football: Players must know how to Catch, Kick, Throw, Tackle, Cover, guard, and blitz

Soccer: Player must have strong legs

American Football: Player must have strong legs AND strong arms.

Soccer: Players must not be aggressive for fear of getting a "warning" (Yellow Card)

American Football: Players must be aggressive

Soccer: Players fake injuries

American Football: Players don't fake injuries

Soccer: Soccer teams are known as "clubs"

American Football: Football teams are known as "TEAMS"

Soccer: Boring. 90 minutes of passing the ball over and over and over again until a goal is scored.

American Football: Not boring. 4 hours of Hard hitting, amazing catches, long pass plays, exciting runs, and a whole lot of defence.

by Geeter August 15, 2006

61๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Football

The Greatest Game on Earth. The only sport to incorporate strategy, strength, speed, and stanima all in one game.

Soccer requires you to have speed and stanima, but you don't have to be strong or smart to play it

Basketball requires you to have speed, stanima, and strategy, but you don't have to be very strong to play it

Baseball requires you to have strength and speed but there isn't much strategy or stanima required

American Football requires you to have all of these traits so it is the greatest sport on earth IMO

by Geeter August 27, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


For anyone that calls AMERICAN Football "Gay" or "Slow" just look at this video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta3Gi_AFTQg Football is a game of strategy, strength, and speed. Soccer is a game of who can run all over a field without passing out.

Football is the best game in the world

by Geeter August 23, 2006

47๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž