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usually used when drool is leaking out of one's mouth and they're too passed out (whether from drink, etc.) to be able to reply anything decently coherent.

dude1: "so uh.. Jay; u ready to go yet?"
dude2: "~~..snuh...~~"

by Geezus February 1, 2003

3👍 25👎


an expression of whine or panicky complaint towards something. (usually used around a loved one.)

gf: "puhh....x-P "
bf: "What?! I'll be back in a minute! *sheesh*! >.< ' "

by Geezus February 1, 2003

6👍 28👎


usually a use of expression in panic or alarm towards something. -especially heard when around a loved one.

gf: "muh???"
bf: "what's wrong, sweetie? %_%"

by Geezus February 1, 2003

4👍 20👎


one who bashes, usually a fighter.

"Oi! that basher's done 'im in good!"

by Geezus February 1, 2003

22👍 19👎


a cozy, cushy way of trying to get something out of your boyfriend, usually used in conjunction with a 'pointing' action..

gf: "b'h?"
bf: "wassat u want, sweetie?"

by Geezus February 1, 2003

4👍 11👎


Muñaño is often described to be the word of the gods. Some even say if you chant muñaño five times in a mirror you will be teleported into a different dimension.

Damn his dick tasted like muñaño

by Geezus January 25, 2021

3👍 1👎


genitalia, be it male or female.. i.e. 'to catch some low'

1: "gonna go grab some low w/da b/f so i'll cya around, k?" ;D

2: "sure. kthxbye."

by Geezus February 1, 2003

5👍 31👎