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A gay piece of shit used to fuck up your mind, kill your creativity, waste your time, to put pressure on you, never consider homework necessary for your life because it does not impact your future or opportunity. In summery it's just fucking mindset they put in you to make you seem "smart", AKA being a fucking nerd. Now homework isn't usually that bad. But if you spend 7 fucking hours on some crap you don't give two shit about, then your teachers have gone over the line. And usually, I don't dislike homework, I emphasize: I don't dislike homework, I fucking hate it, ok?

Today my grandma died but the teachers don't give a shit so they put even more homework on us, oh! finally home! oh, what is this piece of shit? oh, its called HOMEWORK. what do I do with it? BURN IT TO FUCKING HELL!!!

by Genius 123 February 6, 2019