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Corey Botcho Botcho

An equine angel of death. Mercilessly destroying any four legged beast in his path with toxic poisonous chemicals which destroy the animals ability to breath and leave them to slowly suffocate, enduring a slow and painful unnecessary death. Botcho ninja, hiding in the shadows, ready to pounce like a scorpion. Beware the botcho Botcho.

Look at me like that again Kung Phoo, and I’m gonna unleash some Corey Botcho Botcho on your ass, Botcho stylee.

by GeoffPower December 2, 2020

Clough House

Like the ocean it will rise again. A place of sorrow found beyond the realms of Botcho. Nothing but death here.

Hey, Kev, let’s keep this Clough House ship sailing

by GeoffPower December 2, 2020

8👍 1👎


A toxin that can kill an equine. Found in rough haylage made by cock wombles.

‘Hey Corey, go feed this Botcho bale then deny all
Knowledge... that’ll learn em’, suggested Kung Phoo

by GeoffPower December 2, 2020

6👍 1👎

Bag of Waff

Referring to something underwhelming. Waff being anything found on the inside of a bagpipe, inc air, mucous, irnbru and dribble. Underwhelming, flaccid or disappointing. Waff.

‘What a bag of Waff.’ Complained Sheila, when Stuart just couldn’t produce the goods.

by GeoffPower January 4, 2021

2👍 2👎