A little brat who got owned in the world cup by his own teammate for beeing such a fucking asshole.
Wayne rooney: Holly shit mother fucker son of a bitch you fucking stupid bastard.
Cristiano Ronaldo: Hey ref!
Ref: Red card, get the fuck out of here
Wayne rooney: (crying) cristiano we are over no more free sex in manchester united showers
213👍 180👎
The governor of california also known has The Terminator
or John Kruger or Adam Gibson or Mr. Freeze and my favorite, Turboman
All the governors should be jailed for sexual harrasment, Arnold Schwarznegger is not the exception
51👍 12👎
1) By far, the most gay Lucas art's adventure after star wars
2) Teletubbies + Star Wars = Ewoks
3) Teddy bears who live in endor
You= omg a teletubbie!
Me= no, it's a fucking ewok
22👍 25👎