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A fucking waste of time. U could be out Doing what u want in life BUT NOOOO u have to go out of ur fucking way to comfort ur dumbass friend after a breakup. But for what. What is that gonna do? Bc u comforted him is he gonna give u a stack lode of college for ur well being. No! They say “man thanks a lot for helping me out. I feel a lot better. Alright bye see ya tomorrow.” Mother fucker...... IF WE FUCKING GO OUT OF OUR WAY FOR A FRIEND WHAT THE FUCK DO WE GET. When u get rich u have to share with ur friends bc they were “ there for u” bullshit. We don’t need these bitch ass friends. U probably searched this bc ur friend left u and u wanted something like this. Well just block ur self out from everyone. U may get depression but that’s okay. U wanna know why? Bc u don’t have to deal with bullshit

How u should act
George, Hey Ted hows it....
You, shut the fuck up scum. Ur not my friend.
George, why

You, bc a guy told me friends suck so screw off

by George bacon April 27, 2019