Georgian word that literally translates to "flower bud"
Could be used as a funnier way to say "cocari" because they sound similar
1: It's spring. Flowers are blooming and showing their kokori
2: Whoa, you have such a big kokori
1. Incorrect way to say 'no'
2. No u (as a way to end an argument)
1. "Nou bro Georgia is a kountri not a steit!"
- Fuck you
- nou
A way to say the word 'papa' in Georgian
Nikalo the big papalo is eating beans (ori chamcha lobio) again
One of the best Shawarma places in Georgia. Jokingly seen as the "holy site" in Rustavi
I love eating shawarmas at otos shaurma
Popular kid's song that goes
"A ram sam sam a ram sam sam guli guliguliguli guli ram sam sam"
I have the song ram sam sam stuck in my head
Georgian word roughly translating to "genital", is almost always used in a humoric context
Alternatively: áá£á¢á£áá¢á£áá
Why did you steal my netherite you kutuntula >:(
Georgian phrase meaning 'two bowls of beans'
1. Please sir, give me ori chamcha lobio
2. Saba eats ori chamcha lobio per day