Source Code


Literally stands for "No My God". Translates more smoothly to "Oh my god no way". It is used to express extreme surprise at an unlikely event such as a hideous male scoring some Slam-A-Licious Babes. A first response

"I heard that Kartuigan is going out with Stacey now."

"NOMG, that's awesome. Way better than the Razorback he was dating before"

by Gerdemann25 October 9, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mongolian Industries

A reputable weapons and armour producer based in Ulaanbaatar. Known for a widespread telemarketing campaign that reaches from Cyprus to Canada. Offer a 3 piece armour set for "Thirdie four fiddie", a good price. Irresponsible teenagers have been known to imitate their telemarketing

"Herro Mongolian Industries, Weapons and armour. Buy now special 3 piece armour set thriddie four fiddie"


"Special Armour set thridie four fiddie, buy now special deal, Mongorian Industries"

"What the f*ck?, screw this" (hangs up)

by Gerdemann25 August 2, 2007

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž