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1.(verb) The act of being Damon writing a Urban Dictionary article about yourself to show of to your friend how cool you are to give yourself the smallest possible amount of personal validation.

2.(verb) The act of involuntarily stumbling upon an Urban Dictionary article about this guy named Damon that he probably wrote to give himself the smallest possible amount of personal validation.

3.(verb) The act of being so bored in a Discord call with Damon that you search up his name on UrbanDictionary.com in order to break the ice and give yourself the smallest possible amount of personal validation.

1. That filthy Damon just started Damoning - he literally can't stop, it's like 7 articles now.
2. Oh my god, I just Damoned. Why tf does he have to keep writing these?
3. My friend was so bored in our call that he Damoned. Who even writes these?

by Geroreg the Bestest Greatest May 24, 2022