A blue skinned chubby baby version of Jabba the hutt mixed with Gulper from skylanders and mr meeseeks.
He is the younger half-brother of el caca. Altough this version doesn't exist in the Buzz jander timeline,It does in the El caca universe that is expanded with more of el caca's family members.
El caca: hey,where's el pipi?
El caca's mom: You were supposed to make sure that he was here with you!
El caca: oh yeah I dumped him in the ocean.
El caca's arch nemesis Walter, But even more powerful and hateful.
El Caca: oh no, Jared! Walter is evolving!?
Jared: hahaha funny.
El Caca: He's like an EXE creepy pasta now! Look out for Walter.Exe!
A dumbass with a face that looks like a bean.
Jared Leto: Yagagagagagleeleekuku banana
Mario: oh my god you're being such a Toad Bean!