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A person that has compromised cognitive faculties necessary to criticality analyze information to discover the truth about COVID19 in a world that lacks no deception (Flouride, Thimerosal, Barium, Aluminum Oxide and many other environmental toxins are contributors to this phenomenon).

When Fauci said that the masks are ineffective at preventing the spread of the virus, then months later said they are effective at preventing the spread of the virus, none of the COVIDIOTS seemed to bat one eye, they just live like lobotomized sheep.

by Get your own idea September 1, 2020

20👍 29👎


A tail-wagger is someone that follows a crowd or a movement without truly questioning the validity or purpose for it. TailTail-waggers often copy hashtags or wear pink kitten hats. They see others in the crowd doing something, so they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Kind of like when you want a dog to do a trick or behave a certain way, you reward it with a pat on the back and a treat and it wags its tail, because it's excited to have the approval of the boss.

Most protestors are just tail waggers.

People that jump.
The lead singer told everybody to lift their hands over their heads and clap a rhythm. Once a few people started, then all the tail-waggers joined in.

by Get your own idea July 30, 2018

3👍 2👎


This is a term used for pro feminist grade school basketball games where the girls are taught to be aggressive with the boys and the boys that were taught to be gentle with girls, get stomped on.

The Lutheran school is having a scrimmage basketball game Friday night. The Kipster loves to see the girls pushing the boys around.

by Get your own idea November 15, 2018

2👍 2👎