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Characterized by its long ears, bobbed tail, excessive bodily fluids (i.e. saliva), sometimes gooey skin and fur, characteristic 'nom nom' sound made when eating, unique perversions, chic'he fashion sense, groans, moan, squeals, squeaks, guttural bellows, crude language, laser-like urinary habits, flatulence, infatuation with genitalia (in particular, male) and mostly, adourableness.

This creature is often seen rummaging through cupboards in search of peanut butter an' honey. While searching, it makes a distinct cry, sounding like a shriek followed by mumblings, as it reads, by habit, the ingredients found in whatever it lays its paws upon, usually then followed by ravenous, disgruntled nomming.

Another trait of the Alora is its peculiar method of eating. While perched, rather than sitting, on anything higher than ground level, it tears its food into small, easily edible bits, so as not to dull its sharp fangs.

These sharp fangs are used in the hunting of small woodland creatures, more often than not, the fox in particular. The word 'hunt' is used more in the meaning of 'sport' rather than 'survival. Often the Alora can be seen laying bait of Pineapple, Orange Juice and the characteristic misleading lure of the 'wiggling tail dance'.

"Christ! Did you see the way that chick ran?! It was like I was watching an Alora chase down a fox!"

"Geez.., Nancy is such an Alora... have you ever been to the grocery store with her? Whatever you do, just stay away from the... Well, from everything."

by Ghost Fox March 15, 2010

79👍 125👎


A sex starved, nymphomaniac seen commonly using her feminine wiles to lure unsuspecting, reserved, innocent gentlemen from their caves to indulge in, what seemed to be, a feast of Pineapple and Orange Juice. After said feast is had, the fiendish gooey boonay then savagely pretends to trip, exposing her backside, ultimately crushing what little decency left in the once innocent gentleman.

"I say old beans, have I a story for you!"
"Do go on, old chap!"
"Why just the other day, whilst I found myself tupping down the forest path, I came across a delectable treat of Pineapple an' Orange Juice! Little did I know, I was to be soon attack an' violated by an' Aruchan of all things."
"Oh bullix, my good man."
"Myesh.., myesh.., now it seems I've this growth I MUST carry 'round with me for life, it seems. ANYwahat! Off to commit unspeakable sex acts with the Aruchan. Pip pip!"

by Ghost Fox March 15, 2010

8👍 8👎