To lose your way or to lose your mind; to become distant or foggy.
This cold has got me way out in the grapes.
A parent who is on hand to dispense constant snacks to their hungry children. Like a cake butler, but less formal.
I'm not your fucking snack dad.
derived from snack dad, a cake butler is a parent who dispenses sweets to their children on demand, offering no resistance. A cake butler is said to be incapable of standing up for themselves, and is synonymous with pushover or spineless.
Johnny is a real yes man. He plays cake butler to everyone who asks something of him.
Checkpoint confidence is the feeling of safety you get after earning a checkpoint in a video game, that ups your tendency to do risky things now that you know you won't lose your last bit of hard earned progress if you are immediately killed.
"Why are you suddenly rushing them, Gavin? You'll die!"
"Yeah well I have checkpoint confidence right now."