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1. A great place to adopt children with no homes
2. My favorite place to commit war crimes

Guy 1: you goin' to the orphanage?

Guy 2: yeah, but I'm not getting any kids
Guy 1: damn

by GhostyBoi666 February 1, 2020

10👍 3👎

Hitting The Woah

The act of driving a 5 ton semi-freight loader tuck into an orphanage while doing bad karaoke to the song "highway to hell" by AC/DC

Guy 1: what ever happened to Micheal?

Guy 2: he went to jail for hitting the woah bruh

by GhostyBoi666 February 1, 2020

Dirty rim kiss

When your penis is large enough to dip into or 'kiss' the water of the toilet

"Thats disgusting!". "What?". "I just did a dirty rim kiss".

by GhostyBoi666 August 13, 2018