Source Code

cheekii monkii

See Wei Yu

Schoolgirls msn/email nickname.

Origin Unknown.

lolz.. wot? hmm im going to think of a gud nickname, how about cheekii monkii??

by Giaming April 15, 2005

1👍 4👎


Hottest, cutest, richest, tallest, funniest, most smart, nice and interesting boy in the world. He rulz at everything and owns u in everything.

Has been the ruler of the world since 30th August 1990.

DDR Freak: OMG, I've been practising for 50 years, and giaming just owned me by getting DOUBLE the maximum perfects in that song

Guy #1: WTF! Giaming's sleeping with my girlfriend, I thought she loved me!
Giaming: u can have her when im done, fool *shoots guy*

Guy #2: hey giaming can i borrow a dollar?
Giaming: no w....yes. certainly. *hands guy a dollar*
Guy #2: thanks! *walks away*... (sucker)*a minute later*
*coin blows up, kills his family and destroys his house*

by Giaming April 18, 2005