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n.: (JEE-f.) british slang for "fool"; a nincompoop, an idiot.

v.: (JEE-f'd)displaying prominent foolishness.

proper noun: Jeefe McGibbons; a Welsh Hick. The epitome of jeefe-ness. The Town Goof could be described as a Jeefe McGibbons.

"You got that one wrong? You silly jeefe, you!!"

"Boy! I really jeef'd that one!"

"Jeefe McGibbons is such a... (for lack of better term) jeefe!"

by Gillian & Aleksandra April 8, 2008

5👍 2👎


n.: (JEE-f.) british slang for "fool"; a nincompoop, an idiot.

v.: (JEE-f'd)displaying prominent foolishness.

proper noun: Jeefe McGibbons; a Welsh Hick. The epitome of jeefe-ness. The Town Goof could be described as a Jeefe McGibbons.

"You got that one wrong? You silly jeefe, you!!"

"Boy! I really jeef'd that one!"

"Jeefe McGibbons is such a... (for lack of better term) jeefe!"

by Gillian & Aleksandra April 9, 2008

2👍 2👎