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1. A Western US State founded by LDS pioneers who moved west to escape religious persecution.
2. "A Pretty Great State"
3. A state that has a pretty good sense of humor about itself and its conservative nature and traditional values.
4. A word or state that elicits volatile responses usually laced with profanity and closed minded statements from people who say that Utahns are all close minded, and will probably give this a profanity laced "thumbs down".

1. Utah is the 45th State.
2. The state motto.
3. Bebe - Frasier's unscrupulous agent: (gives an evil laugh and says very sarcastically) Well, when there's a dirty job to be done, you can't go wrong with a Mormon.
4. Closed minded ignorant comments that hint of a family tree that doesn't fork like this: "A real f*d up state. Utah is full of poligamist freak mormons." Hmmm... Mormons haven't practiced polygamy since 1890. Anyone still practicing polygamy ** IS NOT A MORMON **. Also reminds me of a favorite quote... "Profanity is the attempt a weak mind to express itself forcefully".

by GimmeAFrigginBreak October 16, 2008

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