A successful small US company with a good quality and environmental record that treats it's workers well and has a good product that people want to buy.Because of it's good customer service and product, the company does very well and expands, yet does not francise to maintain quality. So of course all the yuppie noveau hippies and poser hipsters hate it in a kneejerk way because it's "the Man". How dare people patronize a store that makes a consistently decent product! They should patronize the crap local coffeehouse that employs the loser hipsters who cannot make a decent latte to save their lives, as it's more "authentic".
I thought you hated Starbucks Josh, what's with the latte?
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As the United States is so large and comprised of so many various immigrants, people often refer to their heritage. Americans pride themselves on the "meting pot" culture, as it has always been a big part of the strength and adaptability of their country as a whole. So an American might say that they are Italian, Polish, Russian or Irish - they do not mean that they are those nationalities, this is usage within the context of America.
Hyphenated Americans tend to have cultures slightly different from mainstream American culture; habits and traditions brought over from the countries their family emmigrated from. Many retain the drinks, food, language, customs,and music of their heritage. They also tend to look like their cultural background...Italian, Irish, Indian, Polish etc... Some Europeans feel that they are aping the culture of European countries, but often they are just acting as they were brought up to act by their European born parents. Whether Irish-American, Russian-American, Italian-American etc...they all share some cultural characteristics with the countries their families left.It really is not such a big deal, all countries with heavy immigration do the same, such as Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand. Americans get the most flack for it though.
Tony Soprano (although fictional)is considered Italian/Italian-American when in America. He is an American first, but he is also from Jersey and is Italian American. Italian-American, his Hyphenated Americans group, is just a statement of his cultural background.
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A person from England. Nice enough people, very good beer, similar culture and sense of humor to that of the US. Except for the ones who need to constantly slag off/rag on the US, refering to it as "a colony" and insisting that Americans pronounce and spell words incorrectly because Americans have different customs etc...Basically Americans wish that the ex-pat Brits who act as if as if they ran the world would kindly leave. Not all brits are whinging poms, both Eric Idle and John Cleese have settled in the US and they seem to get along just fine. It's the British that seem to despise anything slightly different from home that we are sick of. The rest of you are welcome to come on over!
Just as there is the "ugly American" tourist stereotype, there are "Awful Brits" that travel around and give the English people in general a bad name. The British often "win" world's worst tourist titles because of this.
The british lout became upset that the word "color" was spelt without a "u" in the US and decided to pontificate about the superiority of the English. The nerve of another country - having different ways of doing things!
When the waiter mistakenly asked if he was Australian due to his accent, the British tourist loudly berated the man for being a "typically stupid American", not realising that the waiter was actually Canadian.
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Pathetic urban myth about anal sex and misogynist violence made up by virgins who don't get laid much. Besides being medically impossible (read a biology book folks, knocking someone out doesn't cause that effect), any gay male will tell you that smacking someone who you are having sex with will lead to you getting beaten to a pulp.
Men who talk big about "donkey punching some ho" are usually just too immature to admit that they are actually gay.
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Used to describe a man who puts out like he's straight, but he only has anal sex with girls because he's really closeted/gay.
My ex-boyfriend is so gaynal... I want a real man who knows how to come in the front door.
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