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A frequently ginger-haired individual who shows up to hang out uninvited, leave their snack crumbs all over the furniture, and torture your poor innocent couches and chairs for extended amounts of time. Crosbys like to say "Yea ill come along" to parties etc. and then bitch out at the last second with excuses like "Im too gay to have fun". The crosby's only natural enemies are the Sun and actually have to move their fat ass. Beware of crosbys as they will try to be your friend, but ill only ever act like a leech literally sucking the life out of you.

Guy1: Holy shit!!1 Its a Crosby!! Run!

Guy2: Its ok, he's already winded, we have at least 4 days.

by GingersSuck23 May 4, 2011

26👍 47👎