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A play on the the word aesthetician for use when describing a "groomer" of children. To be used in casual conversation when the word groomer might prove triggering to some.

"Amy's track couch is a such a aesther, did you starting 'dating' her when she was only 12?"

by Gio Marron July 22, 2022


A baby sasquatch

The mother sasquatch and her squitch were seen crossing the road.

The bigfoot was video taped along with its two squitches.

by Gio Marron July 30, 2010

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Coined from the fusion of "auto-" (self), "cerebro-" (brain), and "lavatio" (Latin for washing or cleansing). The term refers to the act of self-indoctrination or willful narrowing of one's own perspectives, often to the point of ignoring or dismissing evidence that contradicts one's beliefs.

"His constant exposure to only one news source has led to a severe case of autocerebrolavatio."
"She's so convinced of her own theories that she's fallen into a loop of autocerebrolavatio."

by Gio Marron October 23, 2023


Noctalisk (noun) | Plural: Noctalisks

A terrifying, nocturnal creature said to lurk under beds, preying on anyone brave (or foolish) enough to let their foot dangle over the side. Known for its sharp wit and even sharper claws, the noctalisk embodies childhood fears of the dark and the unknown. Often used humorously to describe irrational fears or the imagined consequences of reckless bedtime behavior.


From the Latin root “noct-” (night) and ”-lisk” (reminiscent of mythical creatures like the basilisk). Created as a modern neologism to describe the ultimate childhood nightmare, often referenced in humorous or exaggerated contexts.

How to Use:
Call something a noctalisk when it embodies lurking, unseen fears. Or use it as shorthand for the monster under the bed.

1. ”Don’t let your foot dangle off the bed—everyone knows that’s how you summon the noctalisk.”
2. “When I heard a creak under my bed, I immediately pulled my legs in. Noctalisk prevention 101.”
3. “Sleeping with one foot out of the covers? Bold move, practically inviting a noctalisk for a midnight snack.”

by Gio Marron December 1, 2024


A condition in which one is more attractive when seen by a drunk person; especially when the beholder has been drinking beer.

After Steve's ninth beer the unattractive woman at the end of the bar became lagergenic.

by Gio Marron June 17, 2014


A person who prefers subservience or even slavery to freedom and self-determination. A pejorative term for a British person who voted to remain in the European Union, although may be applied to anyone with the same inclinations toward subservience.

His friends could not understand why he followed the other sheeple-jacks and voted to remain under the ever increasing control of Brussels.

by Gio Marron June 24, 2016


Extreme and lasting emotional shock and joy caused by an monumental accomplishment or experience, or a case of such shock happening. From Greek eu- and trōma meaning good-trauma.

Angie felt overwhelmed from eutroma following her achieving her dream of completing an Ironman triathlon.

Bob Beaman suffered from a cataplexy attack brought on by the eutroma of learning he broke the long jump world record by nearly two feet.

by Gio Marron September 19, 2022