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Like "mansplaining," "manterrupting" is an action taken by a male-identifying person to a female-identifying person in which the former speaks before the latter is done speaking, specifically when:

-he interrupts regarding something that is addressed to her;

-he interrupts regarding something that regards her specifically or female-identifying people in general;

-he interrupts her in a situation in which *most* would agree he would NOT have done, were he addressing another male-identifying person.

New York Times, 11/11/20: SYDNEY, Australia — "It may go down in Australia as the “manterruption” of the year.

In the wake of a tv investigation that alleged sexism and inappropriate behavior in Australia’s governing Liberal Party, Anne Ruston, the minister for families and social services, was asked at a news conference on Tuesday what it’s like to be a woman in Parliament.

But Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who appeared at her side, just couldn’t seem to let her answer the question.

Before she could speak...Mr. Morrison jumped in (and) carried on at full paternal volume, apparently without noticing that he had cut her off. When he was done, he gestured to her to carry on. “It’s stunning,” said Nina Funnell, a leading Australian activist for survivors of sexual assault and harassment, "how oblivious he is to the way in which his own behavior reproduces the very problem that they are there to discuss, which is obvious systemic gender inequality.”

"I was going to tell you all about how to use a tampon, but Chad manterrupted to talk about how much better pads are."

"When Harris was asked how it felt to be the first female vice president, she was temporarily manterrupted by Biden who, realizing his mistake, quickly turned the focus back to Harris, who smiled warmly at him, though with one eyebrow raised."

by Girlskout November 12, 2020