If someones being a gimp, you can say they are " Wearing " This refers to them wearing a gimp mask, therefore being a gimp.
Boy 1: What the hell, why is that guy trying to steal a car?
Boy 2: Cause he's Wearing
Boy 1: oooooh.
Boy 1: Fuckin, i just battered some bloke.
Boy 2: Fuck sake, your wearing!
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Short for " Gimp Mask ". if you want to call someone who's being a gimp, something a bit more than just a gimp, call them a Gimp Mask. or just Mask for short!
Boy 1: Yo man, just stole a phone!
Boy 2: Your such a MASK!!
Boy 1: wtf?
Boy 2: Go give it back Gordon mask.
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Sometimes, when someone is being more of a gimp than just a gimp, they recieve a gimp mask! ( see gimp mask, wearing, applcation etc )
Sometimes, they will occasionally recieve of a predictive mask though.
if you are walking along a corridor and the person in front is a gimp, or has said something gimp-like recently, as you approach a turn in the corridor, you make a noise " shhhhh " then when that person turns the corner, you shout " hrrrrrr " thus predicting a gimp mask was waiting for them round that corner, and has now applied itself to their face.
Again, like with space masks, if the person in front predicts this mask is coming, they can " bat " it away in time. by holding an imaginary bat, and hitting the imaginary mask before it is applied, therefore the applicator then gets the mask!
Boy 1: Ok, we need to turn left here
Boy 2: "shhhhhhh"
Boy 1: *turns corner*
Boy 2: Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Boy 1: oh fuck! predictive gimp mask...game over
Boy 1: Ok, we need to turn left here
Boy 2: "Shhhhhhh"
Boy 1: Turns corner, and bats away mask!
Boy 2: Oh fuck! now ive got the predictive mask :(
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If someone is being a TOTAL gimp, you can give them a space mask! this refers to the process of them being such a gimp, that they are wearing a gimp mask that came from space! One can apply this mask to them by pointing to the sky, and making a "shhhhh" noise to simulate the mask approaching their face. you finish applying by facing your palm to their face and saying " hrrrrrrrr " or just " BOOOM " simulating the mask hitting there face, or indeed, several masks, depending on the level of their gimpdom.
Wearers can avoid being hit by the mask, if they are familiar with the process of a space mask, if they simulate the motion of batting it away with a Mask bat. ( the same way you would hit a baseball ) if they can " bat " the mask away before the applicator has simulated the mask actually hitting their face, then the applicator must recieve the space mask.
Boy 1: i just did SOO much drugs
Boy 2: hey, look in the sky * points to sky * shhhhhhh
Boy 1: what, i cant see anything?
Boy 2: * faces palm to boy 1's face * HRRRRRRR!!!!
Boy 1: oooh fuck ive been masked up!
or in some cases
Boy 1: I just did SOOOO much drugs
Boy 2: Hey, look in the sky * points to sky * shhhhhhhh
Boy 1: * grips bad, and smashes the space mask as it approaches *
Boyy 2: Oh fuck sake! now ive got the space mask
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