Quite possibly the greatest region within the encompassing land mass that is North America. It has been regarded as "charmingly off-putting; full of joyful malaise" by a flattering Times news magazine's cover article: "Glenmoore kicks ass, you infidel scum." Conversely, critics of the area have labelled it "...stellar, but not tremendous...", or "...ALMOST a Utopian land of prosper.", or "...full of physical, mental, and spiritual well being, but no water park". Regardless of opinion, Glenmoore is generally accepted to have been the insurmountable fore-front of all that is positive and contributory to the advancement of culture and civilization.
Glenmoore, as a physical town, once banded together and conquered Native Americans living south of present-day West Virginia. The Native Americans were slaughtered. Their flesh was then adeptly removed, cured, and used as a recording media in architectural design.
A top-level operative of the former-Soviet Union's KGB organization once condemned this area as "deviant, and strongly diverging from the commonly accepted bounds of organized society." For his ill words, the man was struck down by an enigmatic occurence of lightning, which then served as a catalyst in a massive inferno which consumed his large villa and, consequently, family.
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