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The act of having taken someone out (killed them)

He was such an evil person that it was necessary to dexterize him immediately

by Glenn C A Alexander January 9, 2009

15👍 4👎


The art of killing someone who deserved to die

Because he was so evil, he needed to be dexterd. I'm telling you, he went dexter all over his ass! He was the perfect example of why sometimes you need to dexterize someone.

by Glenn C A Alexander January 9, 2009

10👍 1👎


A serial killer with a code of operation that mandates that only those who truly deserve to die actually do.

The guy met all the criteria in order that he went dexter all over him

by Glenn C A Alexander January 9, 2009

291👍 172👎


The act of taking out a person who truly had it coming.

He was such an evil and repugnant guy that the only logic choice was that he got dextered!

by Glenn C A Alexander January 9, 2009

37👍 4👎