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The term for when you've consumed that much alcohol you think you can actually see Bob Marley in a hula skirt singing 'Baby it's cold outside'. The highest state of intoxication.

Jo: I went to a house party last night and necked a bottle of tequila. I was steamboated.
Bob: Good Times.
Jo: Yeah, til I thought my boyfriend was getting off with the wall and i battered it, and broke four fingers.
Bob: Bad times.

by GlewbyDoo_x April 30, 2009

10👍 2👎

Good Times

accompanied by Bad times. Made famous by infamous hair man Justin Lee Collins. Used to describe two situations in the same sentence.

Michael: I got smashed last night while playing centurian. Good times. But then I fell over my own foot and smashed my head off a concrete pavement. Bad times.

by GlewbyDoo_x March 3, 2009

10👍 149👎


A disgustingly unattractive male/female, someone whom you'd rather saw off your own arm with a butter knife and feed it to a hoard of venomous serpents than sleep with.

Jim: 'You should have seen this bird last night. She wanted a piece.'
Bob: 'Did you shag it?'
Jim: 'Nah you should have seen the state of it. She was a right Trog.'
Bob: 'Bad Times.'

by GlewbyDoo_x April 30, 2009

11👍 12👎