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Someone who tends to have main character syndrome and never thinks about other's feelings. They often get mad or upset if you can't do something for them, or if you won't let them, even if it is not your fault, or even sometimes their fault. They'll also disregard limits, boundaries, and feelings with obviously fake/exaggerated excuses, and sometimes even use self-harm as an excuse. Essentially the living definition of an edgy 14 year old, always saying something about his 'sanity' and how 'you don't understand'. If they do roleplay, they always have their character be an edgy Mary Sue.

Person 1: "He got mad because I won't let him join my discord server with my friends, he'd probably completely disregard their boundaries AGAIN and then whine about it."

Person 2: "Man, just don't talk to him anymore, he's such a Zeo."

by Glitch Ghost December 15, 2022

14👍 23👎