An action performed by a Presidential Press Secretary who has a habitual tendency of lying and talking shit to the Press Corps
Why are We even here? All she does is say one McEnema after the other.
A prank that is so good it is impossible to be revenge-pranked
How's it feel to be the victim of a Pransky, Trumplethinskin?
What it's like to be on LSD with a side of Peyote and a Frog to lick after without being on LSD with a side of Peyote and a Frog to lick after
A Prank that is so good it is impossible to be effectively Revenge-Pranked
How does it feel to be the victim of a Pranksy, tRumplethinskin?
Continental-Plan tomorrow
I hope there's one Manana Banana left, this Resort sucks eh.