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Enlightened Centrist

What political extremists call someone who proposed a reasonable and valid idea or opinions that the extremist cannot argue or refute because the person was right. Instead of opening dialogue about the topic or presenting evidence that disputes the persons the extremists shuts down the conversation by saying that their opinion isn’t valid because it’s “enlightened centrist bullshit.”

In the USA most often used by the progressive extremists in response to any criticism of their ideals, often defended as “morally” correct. Though uncommon, can and is used by conservative extremists in response to criticisms of their ideals, often defended as “tradition.”

Person 1: *valid and logical opinion or arguement*

Person 2: (shit this guy is right but it goes against my narrow and self righteous world view) SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ENLIGHTENED CENTRIST NO ONE CARES

by Goddamnitallmynamesaretaken July 3, 2022

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