Source Code


A fictional race in Star Wars that comes from the planet Iridonia and sports numerous short horns on the top of the head.

Darth Maul is one baddass Zabrak, Eeth Koth isn't quite so cool.

by Gogo April 22, 2005

52πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

water bangles

Sheep shit on dew grass. A very old irish expression. A 'bangle' is sheep shit.

Ach Shamus! Me arse is wet n sticky. I sat down on a water bangle.

by Gogo April 28, 2004

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Come on guys, this is a very hairy girl-down there.

Jes, Bill, tell your girlfriend to shave. When I went down on her, Rasputin was waitin for me.

by Gogo April 28, 2004

12πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Tre Cool

An untalented drummer for a horrible band. Is also is a homosexual and dislikes women.

I saw tre cool on MTV yesterday...He said he likes to climb things. He was talking with a heavy lisp.

by Gogo February 20, 2005

37πŸ‘ 267πŸ‘Ž

pimp my ride

A stupid show that is fun to watch on MTV. They take some ones broke down old car and repair the outer parts of it and interior. and usally add one ridiculously stupid part like a mini basket ball court in there trunk or a fooze ball table. Hosted by rap star xzibit (X to the Z) and the employees of West Coast Customs.

man-Yo did you check out that dudes ride?
Girl-Yea xzbit pimped it
Man- Ah nice (grabs part of womens shit and pulls on it once) Youve been pimped!

by Gogo January 29, 2005

128πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

sk8er boi

A song by the pop artist Avril Lavinge.

I was singing along to sk8er boi and people were looking at me funny.

by Gogo February 26, 2004

105πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


Loser with a capital L

wow that person is a sucks what a meagypooh

by Gogo February 4, 2003

3πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž