noun. Any of the Star Wars prequels or sequels, numbered Episodes 1 - 3 and 7 - 9. These movies proved that George Lucas had lost touch with the franchise, become a soulless hack and passed the torch to deficient assheads to figuratively rape and murder a beloved intellectual property.
"I think there a tiny bits of the weaquels that are cool, but overall they're a collection of poorly written trash. They stink worse than I imagine Rancor diarrhea would. I think by far the worst scene is when Luke drinks blue tiddie milk right from the source."
noun. A serious urination emergency where the penis has turtledheaded inside of itself requiring swift action to correct.
"After he came inside from the extreme cold, he practically pissed himself during his wormurgency."
noun. A person, possibly a friend or ex-friend, who completely blows up your chances of entering a vagina, causing millions of sperm voices to suddenly cry out in terror and suddenly become silent.
"I would have tapped that if mufftarkin over here didn't tell her about the time I sharted myself in the gym."
noun. The premiere vehicle for selfish douchebags. These are usually observed tailgating schoolbuses, driving in bus lanes and occupying fire lanes and handicapped spots while the non-handicapped driver emerges wearing socks and sandals and shuffles to get an energy drink or some vape cartridges.
"Oh, LOOK! That Douchecalade just drove up a street the wrong way to avoid a light. Shocker."