A fictional three-headed dragon kaiju (Japanese for "giant monster") featured in the popular Godzilla series. He is Godzilla's archenemy, which of course makes him one of the most popular monsters in the franchise. King Ghidorah is an enormous three-headed dragon with large wings, two tails, and no arms. He is usually depicted as a malicious alien monster from outer space that tries to destroy all life on planet Earth, only to be challenged and defeated by Godzilla himself.
Ghidorah can fly and travel through space, and can fire gravity lightning beams from all three of his mouths. His middle head acts as the dominant, intelligent and serious alpha, while the left and right heads are his minions, similar to trained attack dogs.
King Ghidorah is definitely one of the most badass villains in the Godzilla franchise. He is the Joker to Godzilla's Batman.
King Ghidorah is threatening to destroy the Earth and only Godzilla can stop him.