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Bussy Rev

To rev a bussy is a simple task, only the masters know how to do it. The best of the best can rev over 100,000 miles.

Gobbers had his bussy revved by Freddie for more miles than on Harry’s car!

by Golden Nonce February 28, 2024

Ginge’s Ass

To have 10/10 cheeks and perfect shaping, size, texture and revability. Overall just so shaggable.

Gobbers refused to rev Ginge’s Ass so he is gay.

by Golden Nonce February 28, 2024

Gobbers Classic

The gobbers classic is a state of mind, dropping repeated stinkers, having year 5 drip or even being bald.

Sam don’t do that, you’ve just done a gobbers classic!

by Golden Nonce February 21, 2024

Gobbers Classic

To do something poorly, to be gay or to be bald.

Oh no, you’ve just done a gobbers classic!

by Golden Nonce February 28, 2024

Cherry Bell

The state of having no drip that everyone laughs about your style and calls your outfits “dead fits”

William decided to wear a Chicago bulls tshirt with Jordan 1s everyone called him cherry bell

by Golden Nonce April 26, 2023

The Golden Slut

The state of not being able to walk because of anal penetration every day for a minimum of a month without lube the skin is chafed away leaving The arsehole to look like a black void

Cooper decided he wanted to become the golden slut

by Golden Nonce April 26, 2023

Buzz Bell

To insert a wasp into your arsehole and make it sting your prostate while making a “buzz” noise. If method is not properly followed agressive diarrhoea and even in extreme cases haemorrhoids. Eg. Using a bee instead of a wasp.

William felt cheeky and decided to do a buzz bell special.

by Golden Nonce April 26, 2023

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