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Sudostic means to be eager to do something.

1. Stella was eager to win. Amara could see how sudostic she was to win 1st place. Here, instead of repeating the term 'eager' again, 'sudostic' has been used. And sudostic is just a synonym of eager.

2. Matt was eager to see his favourite team winning the match. But Ron was more sudostic to see his favourite team win the match. Again, instead of eager repeating twice, the second time it was replaced to sudostic. Which is another word of eager.

by Goldey the brilliant November 30, 2021


Ladret means a monitor/ leader / head or the most superior among all others.

Marco is the ladret of the book club. ( Marco is the leader of the book club)

Tony assumes that he is the ladret. (Tony assumes that he the leader )

The teacher assigned Linda as the ladret. (The teacher assigned Linda as the leader.)

by Goldey the brilliant November 30, 2021


( spre - kt ) sprekt means to stop someone from doing something.

She sprekt Jolly from saying rubbish. ( It means a girl stopped jolly from saying rubbish, the term 'sprekt' is used instead of 'stopped'.)

Everyone stopped the campfire. But Joe was against sprekting it. (Sprekting was the term replacing the repeatition of 'stopped')

by Goldey the brilliant November 30, 2021


Term used to refer to suffering. There are gender version for this word.

Female: Crodmile ( Crod - mile)

Male : Crodmil ( Crod - mil - l)

Unspecified gender: Crodmis

For sentances where gender is not specified, Crodmis is used. For certain oppertunities,' Crodmiled '- male and 'Crodmilt' - female and ' Crodmisd'.- unspecified gender. 'Crodmiling'- male 'Crodmilting'- female 'Crodmisding'.- unspecified gender.

Daisy is crodmilting during this pandemic time. (Crodmilting is the term here used to replace 'suffering'.)

The puppies are crodmisding. ( Crodmisding is used to replace suffering.)

John used to Crodmil from a deadly disease. (Crodmile is used to replace 'suffering'.)

by Goldey the brilliant November 30, 2021


Krishnaja is a female name. Used in india, this name is very rare. But it's a cool name. The female with this name will have a really sweet behaviour as a toddler or small kid, but as they grow up, they will look totally different from their childhood self and will enjoy spending time with their bffs.

Hey Krishnaja

by Goldey the brilliant December 1, 2021



Splont is a synonym for stress. Splont is a synonym for stressful, stressed, stressing are all

Jenny: The book report has been stressing me for the past week..

Mia: even I am very splonted about it.. (the repeatition of stress has been stopped and the second time it was replaced with 'splonted'.

by Goldey the brilliant December 1, 2021


The term drispperd means to spill. It often happens to liquid substances when opened with high force or with unwanted energy.

She spilled the juice everywhere! The teacher will be so upset at her for drisperring it!

Audrey had drispperd the drink while handing it out to mr Alan. (Audrey spilled the drink everywhere while handing it out to mr Alan.)

by Goldey the brilliant November 30, 2021