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The gooberknitch is a godlike creature that can not be reproduced or killed. There's only a few male and female gooberknitch's in all the multiverse's. Not every multiverse has a gooberknitch. If you see a gooberknitch, it's best to avoid it otherwise it might fucking kill you to death. But, it can be friendly and harmless sometimes. Either when it's just in a good mood, or you're being relatively calm or nice to it. But they're mostly angry so it's best if you just avoid them.

Person 1: Uh oh...

Person 2: What?

Person 1: There's a gooberknitch over there!

Person 2: Oh dang, we should probably avoid it and go the other direction.

Stupid idiot person 3: nah I'ma go see if it's chill

Person 1 and 2: wait- No!

Person 3: yo what's up gooberknitch

Gooberknitch: not today fella

Person 3: Oh sh*t

Person 3: gets killed to death by the gooberknitch

by Gooberknitch October 24, 2023


Anyone named mason is a stupid poopoo head that most likely has trouble staying in any relationship or even getting in a relationship to begin with.

They always ruin everything by telling you if it's gonna rain or if the weather is gonna be bad or there's a ballistic missile threat on the days that you guys have plans to do something. Like bro, let me figure it out when it happens. I don't need you make me dread the day that we're about to do something cause God for fucking bid the Russians are going to takeover America because of all the threats that the vegan teacher made to Putin.

Anyone ever: Let's go to the park on Saturday!

Anyone ever 2: yeah let's do it!

Mason: erm actually a meteor is gonna hit directly on the park on Saturday and its gonna destroy anything in a 5 mile radius🤓🤓

Anyone ever in the whole world: ... Mason stfu

by Gooberknitch October 28, 2023