A rare one , you'll probably only meet one or two Georgia's in your whole life. Think of the smartest person you have ever met in your life; that's Georgia. Can solve ANY problem with her 214 iq powered brain that is on a level alone. She can convince anyone of anything she decides to,because if she's taking a position, it is usually the right one. A true scientist, gracious when someone can prove her wrong, because it makes her feel normal, because to err is human, and despite her evolved genetics, still wants to enjoy living, although it has only happened a few times, because she has a 100%recall of every second of her entire life,she remembers every single word you have EVER said to her, and she has read and recalled every word that has ever come before her eyes. Whatever you want to know, whatever problem needs a solution, ask her and it will be solved, always for the good. If you try to lie to her she's too kind to call you out on it, as she shows great compassion and understanding of even the worst of the human condition. What she says it is, it is.
Just ask Georgia.